Laxton has a Local History Group which began
meeting in December 2008. The group meets monthly and has its own
web site:
www.laxtonhistorygroup.org.uk .We
welcome information about Laxton - collections of photographs,
accounts of life in Laxton, teaching materials about the village,
letters, receipts etc.
Laxton History Group researched the period 1900 - 1920 funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. There are now seven booklets relating to this period and a teaching and Learning Pack which are available from the Group's web site www.laxtonhistorygroup.org.uk . We always welcome any information relating to this or any other period in any form from remembered stories to physical artefacts. If you have anything to add, please let us know at info@laxtonhistorygroup.org.uk Thank you. We have also developed a dramatised presentation based on the research findings for this project. We have received enthusiastic revues from the groups who have booked us. If you would like us to inform and entertain your group, please contact us. We are interested in people who have lived in the houses in Laxton in the past and in the changes to the names of various fields, strips, sykes etc. in the open fields. If you have information about any of these or other Laxton related items, we would be very pleased to hear from you. We meet on the third Wednesday of the month in Laxton Village Hall at 7.30pm unless otherwise advertised. There are no meetings in August or December. Please click here to contact us.